If Events DC is the owner of The Fields, what does CRYSP DC do?
CRYSP DC is a grassroots-initiated nonprofit organization of community advocates of the conversion of unused space to usable, accessible playing fields in Washington, DC. In spring 2019, Events DC, the owner of The Fields at RFK Campus, awarded CRYSP DC the contract to operate The Fields. We manage the day-to-day scheduling and operation of the facility and of amateur sports programs and community uses.

What else does CRYSP DC do besides operate the The Fields?
We are exploring new ways to making sports play a central part of life on Capitol Hill and the District for youth and adults. We are interested in your ideas.

I have an idea for a project.
We want to hear about it! Please contact Anne Corbett.

Why’d you change your name?
Great question! We started as Capitol Riverside Youth Sports Park, with the acronym CRYSP. Now that the park we envisioned has been named The Fields at RFK Campus, and we do more than just advocate for/operate The Fields, the original name is no longer relevant. But people know and like “CRYSP” and so do we. So we added “DC” and now we are CRYSP DC—a recognizable name that is no longer short for anything.

Who can I contact with questions or concerns about operation of The Fields?
You can reach us at thefields@cryspdc.org or (202) 539-9555.